Burrowing owl mound progress

Burrowing owl mound progress

Working with the County of Sacramento, the Conservancy’s Alleghany 50 tract burrowing owl enhancement project is nearing completion. The project is being done by the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District as a mitigation project, and the Conservancy...
Signs of success

Signs of success

The photo nearby was taken by County of Sacramento Certified Wildlife Biologist Roger Jones. It’s of a Swainson’s hawk flying above the Conservancy’s Alleghany 50 tract in the Fisherman’s Lake Reserve Area. Roger says, “…it and one other...

May 2008 Board Meeting

This is a notice of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of The Natomas Basin Conservancy on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the offices of The Natomas Basin Conservancy, 2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, California....

A “three-fer”

Biological monitoring crews advised me today that on the Conservancy’s Kismat tract, one of the traps set there (in order to conduct regular biological monitoring) produced two females and a male giant garter snake. All three in one trap! This is amazing....

April 2008 Board Meeting

This is a notice of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of The Natomas Basin Conservancy on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the offices of The Natomas Basin Conservancy, 2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento,...