Featured Photographers

Featured Photographers

The Conservancy is obligated to document activity on the preserves. It is assisted with its photo documentation responsibilites by some very good photographers, skilled in landscape and wildlife photography. We introduce them here…

“Big Hat” Award

“Big Hat” Award

Sacramento attorney Nick Avdis was awarded the Conservancy’s “Big Hat” Award.

June 4, 2014 Board Meeting

This is notice of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of The Natomas Basin Conservancy on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at The Natomas Basin Conservancy, 2150 River Plaza Dr., Sacramento, California, First Floor, Large...
2013 Implementation Annual Report

2013 Implementation Annual Report

Each year, the Conservancy must file an Implementation Annual Report with the state and federal Wildlife Agencies as well as to all “parties” to the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan (NBHCP). The Metro Air Park Habitat Conservation Plan is also...
Out on bale

Out on bale

Conservancy field personnel are seeing a lot of Swainson’s Hawk activity already this year. On a Conservancy alfalfa field in the North Basin Reserve Area, we’ve photo’d a number of “dark morphs” (see photo of a single Swainson’s Hawk...