Cinnamon in the morning

(May 10, 2016) This example of a Cinnamon teal (Anas cyanoptera) is a perfect specimen for this area. Happily watching things on the Conservancy’s preserves, field crews photographed it yesterday. You can find this bird in far distant locations around …

They’re back!

(May 3, 2016)  Since the Conservancy’s preserves are meant as sanctuaries and refuges for plant and animal species, it’s often easy to overlook insects. Yet they are instrumental in pollination and generally adding to the diversity of life on the prese …

De colores

(April 8, 2016)  I am still a bit stung (pun intended!) by a statement I heard many years ago that there wasn’t much color on the Conservancy’s preserves. Okay, the preserves have matured a lot since those days, but there is LOTS of color. Color everyw …

Rata de agua

These little guys–muskrats—are both a headache and are essential to productive Giant garter snake habitat. This photo was just taken on the Conservancy’s flagship BKS preserve. I say “headache” because they are constantly creating burrows in water con …

Collaboration elaboration

(April 1, 2016)  The Natomas Basin HCP requires that the Conservancy collaborate with other scientific entities to promote understanding about issues relevant to the implementation of the HCP. In this case, the Conservancy has cooperated with the U.S. …

Minky way

There are some times when Conservancy field personnel get photos of various creatures on the preserves that are just too good not to share. While we focus on the NBHCP’s 22 “Covered Species,” if we are successful in creating and managing habitat, other …