On September 6, 2007, I personally saw 11 Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) on the Kismat tract in the Conservancy’s Central Basin Reserve Area. This is the first time these birds, some having wing spans of 80 inches, have been seen on Conservancy preserves. While the birds are not one of the HCP’s “covered species,” they are nonetheless striking in their beauty and sheer size, and at least in recent history, are unusual in the Natomas Basin. The group was wading in water control structure “K” on the preserve, and white faced ibis (an HCP covered species) were in the same area. Truly a breathtaking scene.
Rodent exterminator, no charge
Photo taken by Conservancy staff on a Conservancy preserve, 2024. It’s often difficult to view, but part of the Conservancy’s job is to see that wildlife has access to sustenance on the preserves. Here, a Snowy egret (Egretta thula) manages to nab a quick lunch on a Conservancy owned and …