Ray Tretheway standing amongst needlegrass and smiling at the camera

The Ray Tretheway Grove

Recently we exposed Sacramento City Councilmember Ray Tretheway to the Ray Tretheway Grove on the…

view looking up at a Swainson's hawk in flight and its wings full spread against a blue sky

Signs of success

The photo nearby was taken by County of Sacramento Certified Wildlife Biologist Roger Jones. It’s…

A “three-fer”

Biological monitoring crews advised me today that on the Conservancy’s Kismat tract, one of the…

Habitat enhancement sign of success

At least two burrowing owls have moved onto the Conservancy’s Elsie tract. They’re occupying one…

Still more “soft path” solution experiments

Mindful of the need to work constructively with the Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District…

exterior view of a barn with a section of the roof damaged and missing

Recent storm challenging

The January and February wind and rain storms have been a real challenge. As the…

Amazing find on Conservancy preserves

On September 6, 2007, I personally saw 11 Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) on the Kismat…

2007 channel maintenance program at Lucich North completed

It is with some great pleasure that I record that the large marsh complex channel-clearing…

Polywire Pollyanna

The team that keeps grass height to levels appropriate for Swainson’s hawk foraging (these raptors…

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