Side view of a Swainson's hawk taking flight from the ground, its wings outstretched.

Complex Versus Simple

The Conservancy has worked hard and spent money trying to improve prey production for the…

Close-up of an Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) flying overhead from a nearby perch. Its wings are outstretched and its talons visible and long.

Nail Trim Needed?

Conservancy field personnel captured this close-up of an osprey (Pandion haliaetus) flying overhead from a…

A Swainson's hawk stands in the middle of an alfalfa field in the process of being harvested.

It Really, Really Works!

The Conservancy causes the planting of various kinds of crops that promote Swainson’s hawk foraging….

A yellow propeller plane flies low over a field to conduct aerial seeding at the Conservancy.

Sky King

The Conservancy is making still further attempts to provide additional prey for the Swainson’s hawk,…

color illustration of revised concept for the Pond O habitat

Habitat Re-fresh

With the help of a substantial monetary contribution to the Conservancy, we’ve embarked on a…

numerous dark and light-colored birds standing in a marsh bordering an area of trees and vegetation


This photo captures the essence of Conservancy restoration and enhancement work. But the point here…

section of an engineering illustration of a groundwater monitoring well

Trust but verify

There is so much going on with respect to water use these days. There are…

close-up of buttonwillow plants and its spikes

Spiked proteins

Several years ago, we posted about buttonwillow (Cephalanthus occidentalis varcalifornicus), and our love for them….

three Sandhill cranes walk through an area of grasses and vegetation around the Preserve


We’ve been wracking our brains wondering why the famous large-bird of the region rarely frequented…

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