a curfew of Long-billed curlews walking on dry land at the Preserve

Beak performance

(October 11, 2017)  This photo was taken by Conservancy field crews on the Conservancy’s BKS…

an aquatic snake partially pokes through the water and surface vegetation in a marsh

Loch Ness monster?

(September 1, 2017)  The creature that is barely discernible in this photo may look like…

wide angle of a sunflower field at the Conservancy Preserve

Honey do

(August 17, 2017) On Conservancy preserves, we occasionally grow sunflowers as a rotation crop on…

Great-horned owl perching on a branch in the shade of a tree's leaves, looking straight at the camera


(July 13, 2017)  First, this photo, taken today on the Conservancy’s BKS preserve, is of…

close-up of two buttonwillow plants

Button, button, who’s got the button?

(June 29, 2017)  Often asked if I have favorites on the Conservancy’s preserves, I usually…

side profile of a Bald eagle perched on a branch of a bare tree against a clear blue sky

Bald is Beautiful

(May 2, 2017)  Yes, we’ve had Bald eagles in the Natomas Basin before, but rarely….

close-up of a large, white bird with a large wingspan and yellow beak in mid-flight over an area of the Conservancy Preserve

Aeronautical engineers: take note

(March 16, 2017)  Regarding this photo, taken this morning on the Conservancy’s flagship preserve (“BKS”),…

Burrowing owl standing in the grass looking at the camera.

They’re Back!!!

(March 8, 2017) Those cute little Burrowing owls. Over the years, I’ve posted on this…

side profile view of a bald eagle standing in a shallow marsh area of the Preserve

Stand and salute

(March 8, 2017)  Okay, it’s America’s national bird, the Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).  Since the beginning…

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