Red-tail hawk just landing from flight on a corner of green 'No Trespassing' signage

Guilty of both charges

(December 28, 2016)  The red-tail hawks appear to be jockeying for a prized position on…

fencing around a water control structure in a grassy area along a marsh

Safety first

(December 28, 2016) Sometimes we have to do things that aren’t directly for the NBHCP’s…

close-up of Great-horned owl perched on an indoor wooden rafter looking down

Quit looking at me!

(December 16, 2016) This great horned owl, resting in the rafters on one of the…

front view of Burrowing owl standing in a field and looking at the camera

Hey you!!!

(December 1, 2016) Owl Eyes (okay, a Burrowing owl, one of the NBHCP’s “Covered Species”)…

Giant garter snake slithering through the water


( October 20, 2016)  Featured with this post is probably one of the last good…

close-up of a red and green pepper growing on the Conservancy's mitigation ground

Pick a pepper

(October 5, 2016) It may seem strange that peppers are grown on some of the…

a rice harvester in use in the middle of rice fields at the Preserve

Long lines and leftovers

(September 20, 2016) That time of year again! Rice harvest is underway. Rice prices are…

a Pacific pond turtle floats and pokes its head and part of its body out of the water


(September 12, 2016)  Here is a great shot that supports our contention that we now…

Giant garter snake poking its head and part of its body out of water covered in green duck weed near some rocks


(September 9, 2016)  Camouflage. These guys really know how to hide themselves. Today’s photos of…

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