These button-willows (also called Buttonbush, Honey-bells) have a scientific name of Cephalanthus occidentalis. But my it is pretty (see the photo I took this weekend at the Conservancy’s Silva tract). At first, I thought they might be just another deciduous shrub used as decoration. But the experts said that they were native, and had an affinity for watered areas. So we planted a few around the Conservancy’s marsh complexes about 10 years ago. And I just like them more and more as they get more mature. We need to plant some more!

Rodent exterminator, no charge
Photo taken by Conservancy staff on a Conservancy preserve, 2024. It’s often difficult to view, but part of the Conservancy’s job is to see that wildlife has access to sustenance on the preserves. Here, a Snowy egret (Egretta thula) manages to nab a quick lunch on a Conservancy owned and …