The Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni) is a state-listed threatened species in California and is a Covered Species under the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan and the Metro Airpark Habitat Conservation Plan. As part of the implementation of both HCPs, the Swainson’s hawk nesting population is monitored annually throughout the entire Natomas Basin in order to assess the status of the population and the effectiveness of the HCPs. To date, monitoring has indicated a fairly stable nesting population with the number of active nesting territories ranging from 43 to 59 between 2001 and 2009. Reproductive effort has also remained relatively stable during this period ranging from 1.38 to 1.67 young per successful nest. In 2009, 59 nesting territories were confirmed active with 51 of these successfully producing young for a reproductive effort of 1.63 young per successful nest.
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