Annual Meeting of the Corporation
and Regular Meeting Board of Directors
February 5, 2025
4:00 p.m.
This will be an in-person meeting located at
2150 River Plaza Drive, first-floor conference room, Sacramento, CA 95833.
Annual Meeting of the Corporation (Open)

1. Call to Order of the Annual Meeting of the Corporation
The Board Chair will call the meeting to order if a quorum is present. Announcements by the Board Chair or Executive Director may be made at this time. Board members may make announcements at this time as well.

2. Public Comments
Opportunity for members of the public to address the Conservancy’s Board of Directors.

3. Approval of the Annual Meeting of Corporation Minutes
The Board Chair will request approval of the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Corporation on February 7, 2024. The draft February 7, 2024 Annual meeting minutes were included in the April 3, 2024 agenda for Board review.
Download the Conservancy’s signed February 7, 2024 Annual meeting minutes (PDF, 2 MB)

4. Election of Officers and Committee Assignments
Election of officers of the corporation. The Board Chair will discuss with Board members their thoughts regarding the election of officers. The election of officers will be held. Committee assignments may be made.

5. Establish date, time and location of regular Board meetings
The date, time and location of regular meetings of the Conservancy’s Board of Directors will be the first Wednesday of even-numbered months. The 2025 dates are as follows:
- February 5, 2025
- April 2, 2025
- June 4, 2025
- August 6, 2025
- October 1, 2025
- December 3, 2025
Meetings start at 4:00 p.m. at the offices of the Conservancy, 2150 River Plaza Drive, first-floor conference room, Sacramento, CA 95833. Location and time are subject to change.

6. Executive Director’s Report – Annual Meeting
A report on the state of the Conservancy will be presented by the Conservancy’s Executive Director.

7. Adjournment of the Annual Meeting of the Corporation
Official adjournment of the Annual Meeting of the Corporation.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors (Open)

8. Call to Order of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
The Board Chair will call the meeting to order if a quorum is present. Announcements by the Board Chair or Executive Director may be made at this time. Board members may make announcements at this time as well.

9. Public Comments
Opportunity for members of the public to address the Conservancy’s Board of Directors.

10. Approval of the minutes
*All items listed under the Consent Calendar, including minutes, are considered and acted upon by one Motion. Any Board member may request an item be removed for separate consideration.*
The Board Chair will request approval of the consent items and minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of December 4, 2024.
Download the Conservancy’s signed December 4, 2024 Board meeting minutes (PDF, 8 MB)

11. Credit card changes
The Conservancy currently has two corporate credit cards through River City Bank (Card Assets), one for the Executive Director and one for the Contracts and Compliance Manager, each with a Board-approved $10,000.00 limit. When the Conservancy acquired these cards, it was assured no employee would be required to provide their personal Social Security number. And that the Conservancy would be the sole party responsible for the account. Since then, the firm named Card Assets, used by River City Bank, changed its policy and now requires SSNs.
River City Bank has offered an opportunity to work through a new credit card company, Elan Credit Card, which requires the Conservancy’s Employer Identification Number, and no employee SSNs.
In October 2024 (Resolution No. RS 24.10.03.), the Board of Directors approved an additional credit card for the Field Supervisor also with a limit of $10,000.00.
This item requests:
1.) Board approval for the Conservancy to close out the Card Assets accounts,
2.) open an account with Elan Credit Card through River City Bank with a total limit of $30,000.00, and a total of three cards issued to the Executive Director, Contractors and Compliance Manager, and Field Supervisor, and
3.) authorizes and directs either the Conservancy’s Executive Director, John Roberts, or Chief Financial Officer, Kimberli Burns, to take all actions deemed necessary or appropriate to implement this action.

12. Authorization to amend signature cards and related financial institution authorizations
Documents necessary for the Conservancy to conduct business with its financial institutions need to be updated from time-to-time, including opening and closing accounts as may be needed to conduct Conservancy business, adding and deleting Board officers as they are elected and/or leave their Board office or the Board of Directors, and providing for security and accounting matters.
The Board is asked to authorize the Conservancy’s Board Officers including the Assistant Secretary to sign signature cards and related authorizing documents for the Conservancy’s following accounts: City of Sacramento Treasurer’s Office, Elan Credit Card, Optum Bank, PayPal, River City Bank, T. Rowe Price, U.S. Bank, and Westamerica Bank.
If you would like a copy of the document included in this item, please contact the Conservancy office.

13. GEI biological monitoring report – additional services
At its August 7, 2024 meeting, the Board approved (Resolution No. RS 24.08.04) a three-year contract with GEI, Inc. for biological monitoring services. The total for this three-year contract was $926,088.00.
The Conservancy subsequently requested GEI, Inc. to incorporate the GGS monitoring data, supplied by USGS, into the Conservancy’s HCP-required annual report. The additional cost for this service is $40,257.00 over three years, bringing the new three-year contract total to $966,345.00.
This item requests Board approval for an additional $40,257.00 over three years for GEI, Inc. to incorporate the GGS data into the HCP-required Implementation Annual Report and authorizes and directs either the Conservancy’s Executive Director, John Roberts, or Chief Financial Officer, Kimberli Burns, to take all actions deemed necessary or appropriate to implement this action.

14. Bennett North and Nestor managed marsh design completion
The Conservancy has been working with Westervelt Ecological Services (WES) to plan and design the Bennett North and Nestor managed marsh complexes. The Board-approved contracts for WES for these projects is as follows: Bennett North $136,784.00 and Nestor $108,597.00. To complete the plan sets to 100% the contracts required an additional $12,500.00 each. This brings the new WES planning and design contracts totals for Bennett North to $149,284.00 and Nestor to $122,101.00. In order to keep the process moving in time for construction this summer, the contracts were signed in early January 2025.
This item requests ratification of two amendments with WES for 100% plan sets for the Bennett North and Nestor managed marsh complexes totaling $25,000.00 and authorizes and directs either the Conservancy’s Executive Director, John Roberts, or Chief Financial Officer, Kimberli Burns, to take all actions deemed necessary or appropriate to implement this action.

15. Bennett North and Nestor managed marsh construction bids
Westervelt Ecological Services (WES) will be obtaining bids on behalf of the Conservancy for the Bennett North and Nestor managed marsh construction projects. Conservancy staff recommends Board approval for accepting and selecting a contractor based upon WES’ receipt of and recommendation for the “best value” submittal, provided the bid amount does not exceed the Board-approved budget. If this item receives Board approval, management will consult with the Board’s Real Estate Committee for final approval. The Conservancy’s management, advised by WES, believes an earlier approval enhances chances the marsh projects will be completed on time and on budget. If the bids come in higher than the Board-approved budgeted amount, staff will bring back the bids to the Board at its April 2, 2025 Board meeting for approval.
This item authorizes and directs either the Executive Director, John Roberts, or the Chief Financial Officer, Kimberli Burns, the authority to meet with the Real Estate Committee and take all actions deemed necessary or appropriate to implement this action.

16. Natomas Central Mutual Water Company Annual Meeting of shareholders
The annual election of Directors of the Natomas Central Mutual Water Company (NCMWC) takes place on February 11, 2025, at 10:00 am. The Conservancy holds 4,195 shares of stock in the Company (out of approximately 30,409). Conservancy staff recommends that votes be cast since there are the same number of candidates as Board seats available, this item authorizes the Conservancy’s votes to be tendered to the NCMWC Board of Directors for its voting. This action authorizes the Conservancy’s Executive Director to vote the Conservancy’s shares in the Conservancy’s interest.

17. City of Sacramento Report
Report from the City of Sacramento regarding HCP-related activity and other topics.

18. County of Sutter Report
Report from the County of Sutter regarding HCP-related activity and other topics.

19. Financial Report
A financial statement will be provided for the period ended December 31, 2024 (unaudited). Additional financial information will be provided.
Download the Conservancy’s unaudited December 31, 2024 financial statements (PDF, 5 MB)

20. Conservancy endowment funds investment manager
The Conservancy’s endowment funds are managed by T. Rowe Price. Representative Phil Burger of T. Rowe Price will meet with the Board for the purposes of providing the Board with a 2024 year-end report on the Conservancy’s endowment funds accounts.

21. ECOS presentation
Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS) requested an opportunity to present to the Board of Directors on matters of urban growth in the Natomas Basin.

22. Agreement between U.S. Government and Sacramento River Settlement Contractors
Staff will update the Board on the status of the contract executed between the U.S. Government (Bureau of Reclamation) and the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors, of which the Conservancy is a member. The cost and benefits of this agreement which will change the use of the Conservancy’s water rights.

23. Executive Director’s Report
Various matters for the Board members’ general information will be presented by the Conservancy’s Executive Director.
If you would like a copy of the document included in this item, please contact the Conservancy office.
Executive Session (Closed)

24. Executive Session
Executive Session is scheduled for real estate matters pursuant to Government Code 54956.8.
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors (Open)

25. Adjournment of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Official adjournment of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors.
Upcoming Regular Meetings
- April 2, 2025
- June 4, 2025
- August 6, 2025