Executive Director’s Blog

News and updates on the Conservancy

The Latest at the conservancy

A photo collage of two photos. On the left is a yellow labrador retriever dog laying in the grass looking over its shoulder with a goat in the distance. The picture on the right has two brown and white goats, a kid goat feeding on the nanny goat.

A New Team Member.

Pictured here are two photos, one of a goat about to give birth to a kid on a portion of the Conservancy’s preserves that benefit Swainson’s hawk. The hawks have migrated now, so the field’s vacant state was recently enlivened when this newborn made its introduction to life on Earth….

An illustration of managed marsh construction plans for the Nestor tract.

Art for Wildlife’s Sake.

Now that the habitat conservation plans (HCPs) are being more actively used by private and public project proponents in the “Permit Areas,” the Conservancy steps up its advancement of implementation of the HCPs. That includes constructing additional managed…

Two photos of a brown and white speckled Burrowing owl staring at the camera lens combined in a photo collage.

The Hoot of Success

Photos taken by Conservancy staff on Conservancy mitigation land, 2023. The Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) is one of the HCPs’ “Covered Species.” And, we on the Conservancy staff freely admit, it’s a favorite. The reason is simple: these…

A combine harvester harvesting rice in a field.

That sweet smell.

It’s a great time of the year when rice harvest begins. One of our favorite parts of harvest is the aroma of a freshly-harvested rice field. Maybe it has something to do with the bran or bran oil…

“In essence, the Conservancy provides refuge and sanctuary for wildlife displaced by urban activity in the Natomas Basin.”

– John Roberts, Executive Director