Board of Directors
Board of Directors Committees
Find Bylaws, Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower Policy, and Document Retention and Destruction Policy here.
Board of Directors
The Natomas Basin Conservancy is currently governed by a 10-member Board of Directors. All Board members are appointed to three-year terms of office by the City of Sacramento and the County of Sutter. The City and County each appoint five members to the Board of Directors. Board members elect from among themselves a Board Chair each year who serves a one-year term of office.
- Chandra Chilmakuri, Chair
- Michael Johnston, Vice Chair
- Steven Cohn, Treasurer
- Gabrielle Stadem, Secretary
- Melinda Bradbury
- Matthew DiGiacomo
- Patrick Huber
- Doug Libby
- Sean Minard
- Ethan Valburg