Compensation & Governance Committee Meeting
September 27, 2021

12:00 p.m.

(Meeting will be held via Zoom. Select to attend the September 27, 2021 meeting via Zoom.)

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1. Call to Order of the Meeting of the Compensation & Governance Committee

The Committee Chair will call the meeting to order if a quorum is present. Announcements may be made at this time.

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2. Public Comments

Opportunity for members of the public to address the committee.

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3. Approval of the minutes

The Committee Chair will request approval of the minutes of the Committee meeting of April 5, 2021.

Download the Conservancy’s signed April 5, 2021 Compensation & Governance Committee Meeting Minutes (PDF, 3 MB)

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4. Proposed revision to the Travel and Other Expense Reimbursement Policy

The Conservancy’s Travel and Other Expense Reimbursement Policy is presented for Board review. The proposed change involves reimbursements to the Executive Director. The current policy indicates that reimbursement to the Executive Director over $1,000.00 must be reviewed and approved by the Chair or designee. The Conservancy currently reimburses the Executive Director nearly $900.00 per month in health insurance premiums. When reimbursements for mobile phone or other business expenses are added we are over $1,000.00 easily. There are two options proposed for committee review. Option 1 is to remove health care expenses from the $1,000.00 cap. Option 2 is to move the cap from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00. Staff will discuss both options with the committee. This policy was last updated on October 2, 2019.

The Conservancy’s Travel and Other Expense Reimbursement Policy is available upon request.
Please email your inquiry to: Email [email protected]

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5. Proposed changes to the Internal Financial Controls Policy

The Conservancy’s Internal Financial Controls Policy is presented for committee review. The proposed change is adjusting the Executive Director’s signing authority from $10,000.00 to $20,000.00. The $10,000.00 limit was set in 1999 when the Conservancy first opened its doors. In the 20 years since then, the Conservancy has grown to nearly 5,000 acres under management, six full-time staff and over 200 contracts. The adjustment to a new $20,000.00 limit will reduce Board members time coming to the office for second signatures on checks.

This policy also includes language similar to the Travel and Other Expense Reimbursement Policy regarding the reimbursements to the Executive Director. The current policy indicates that reimbursement to the Executive Director over $1,000.00 must be reviewed and approved by the Chair or designee. The Conservancy currently reimburses the Executive Director nearly $900.00 per month in health insurance premiums. When reimbursements for mobile phone or other business expenses are added we are over $1,000.00 easily. There are two options proposed for committee review. Option 1 is to remove health care expenses from the $1,000.00 cap. Option 2 is to move the cap from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00. Staff will discuss both options with the committee. This policy was last updated on December 2, 2020.

The Conservancy’s proposed changes to the Internal Financial Controls Policy is available upon request.
Please email your inquiry to: Email [email protected]

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6. Proposed Amendment to the Land Dedication check list

The Conservancy’s Land Dedication Checklist is presented for Committee review. The main proposed change is to require more specific title insurance coverage. As the Conservancy has recently completed a handful of real estate transactions over the past year, it became apparent that further specificity was needed. This specificity will also aid the Conservancy in declaring the value of the land for accounting purposes. This checklist was last updated October 2, 2019.

If you would like a copy of the document included in this item, please contact the Conservancy office.

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7. Adjournment

Official adjournment of the meeting.