It is with some great pleasure that I record that the large marsh complex channel-clearing project for 2007 has been completed as of September 10, 2007. This project primarily consisted of the Lucich North and Frazer North tracts along the Natomas Cross Canal. The NBHCP requires that the Conservancy maintain the marsh channels. The channel-clearing was required after siltation and eutrafication began filling in the channels, reducing their functionality for giant garter snake use. The cleared channels now look spectacular, and Conservancy biologists have found that several giant garter snakes have re-entered the preserves soon after their staged completion throughout the summer.
A New Team Member.
Pictured here are two photos, one of a goat about to give birth to a kid on a portion of the Conservancy’s preserves that benefit Swainson’s hawk. The hawks have migrated now, so the field’s vacant state was recently enlivened when this newborn made its introduction to life on Earth. …