Sometimes the strangest things happen on Conservancy preserves. Recently, I saw this brightly colored bird (see photo). I was pretty sure it was someone’s loose parakeet. The bright colors really stood out. Conservancy Board member Mike Bradbury officially identified it as a Budgerigar. It is a native of Australia, but my guess is that this guy was someone’s released pet. It’s a non-native, so it is not something we’d find particularly appealing for Conservancy purposes. But still, it was a surprise and a colorful addition to the preserves, even for a moment or two.
Rodent exterminator, no charge
Photo taken by Conservancy staff on a Conservancy preserve, 2024. It’s often difficult to view, but part of the Conservancy’s job is to see that wildlife has access to sustenance on the preserves. Here, a Snowy egret (Egretta thula) manages to nab a quick lunch on a Conservancy owned and …