Now I know where the saying came from. The photo attached to this entry is a few days worth of work by some very industrious beavers at the Conservancy’s Silva tract near Water Control Structure “R.” When I first came to work for the Conservancy, I had a meeting with some senior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials, who asked me what my plan was to deal with the destruction that beavers inflicted on the preserves. I laughed because I thought they were kidding. They weren’t. But I didn’t really know just how serious they were until I got into the job for awhile. One of the Conservancy’s biggest expenses, and one where we have some of the most serious worker safety issues, is from beaver damage. And it is never ending. These little guys seem to work 24/7, and never, ever give up. Yep, busier than a beaver.
Rodent exterminator, no charge
Photo taken by Conservancy staff on a Conservancy preserve, 2024. It’s often difficult to view, but part of the Conservancy’s job is to see that wildlife has access to sustenance on the preserves. Here, a Snowy egret (Egretta thula) manages to nab a quick lunch on a Conservancy owned and …