These are my favorite emails, this one from Dominic Bruno, who is the land management supervisor on Conservancy marsh complexes:
On Thursday April 7, 2005 while mowing weeds at Cummings three Swainson’s
hawks foraged over the area from 12:30 to about 3:30 in the afternoon. Two
times I saw successful dives to the ground resulting in prey capture.Today, April 11, 2005 at around 11:00 in the morning two Swainson’s hawks
were on site at Cummings no more than 10 minutes after starting the mower.
I also saw the hawks mating in one of the Sycamores overlooking the area
being mowed.In addition to Swainson’s hawks quite a few Black Necked Stilts have been
residing in the seasonal wetland areas at Cummings.– Dominic Bruno