This morning at the Natomas Farms marsh complex, Dominic Bruno and I saw a long march of river otters cross the all-weather interior service road and into the marsh itself. We were amazed at the size and number of the critters, but the sighting was ominous. Giant garter snake experts have warned that river otters kill giant garter snakes, and do so merely for exercise, as they do not eat them. Since we are trying very hard to establish a giant garter snake colony on the Natomas Farms tract (that is its primary purpose), the long march of marauders and ravagers (sorry, that is how we see them) had us quiet for awhile in solemn thought and contemplation. Lots of time, energy, emotion and money has gone into this project to encourage expanded habitat for giant garter snakes. What to do?
A New Team Member.
Pictured here are two photos, one of a goat about to give birth to a kid on a portion of the Conservancy’s preserves that benefit Swainson’s hawk. The hawks have migrated now, so the field’s vacant state was recently enlivened when this newborn made its introduction to life on Earth. …