Over the past couple of weeks, I have been asked to speak to various habitat land management groups. The total number of people in these audiences totaled somewhere in the 300+ range. The topic I was asked to speak on revolved around the implementation of HCPs. Audiences consisted of habitat land managers, regulatory officials, land use attorneys, those who draft and get approval for HCPs and NCCPs, etc.
One of the slides in my slide deck has been requested quite a bit, and seeing this interest, I thought others might be interested in it as well. It supported a line in my presentation having to do with enterprise risk management (ERM), something that is quite popular now with publicly-trade corporations in response to Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank and shareholder activist groups. However, I think it actually has an even greater application to those non-profit organizations which are risk averse like the Conservancy. There is a very compelling need for us to not make costly mistakes as we implement the Natomas Basin and Metro Air Park HCPs.
Anyway, see the slide attached. You can see where the date can always be changed. And I emphasized repeatedly in my remarks that the “bubbles” on the illustration can and do change regularly. (Today, I am certain the position of the bubbles on this version of the attached chart would change based on new information.) It was presented as a management tool to use in keeping employees and contractors alert and also for planning purposes. Maybe others can use it as well?