Preserve Consolidation Initiative and Reasons for it

Conservancy Board member Mike Bradbury recently made an impassioned plea before the Sacramento City Council, urging the largest of buffers between Swainson’s hawk nesting trees and proposed urbanization. He described human intervention and activities as...

December 2006 Board Meeting

This is notice of a meeting of the Board of Director’s of The Natomas Basin Conservancy on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the offices of The Natomas Basin Conservancy, 2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento,...


The theory behind the Conservancy’s efforts is essentially to provide sanctuary to the NBHCP’s “covered species.” That is, after being displaced by urbanization, these plants and wildlife have a protected place to live and grow. My worst days...

November 2006 Board Meeting

This is notice of a meeting of the Board of Director’s of The Natomas Basin Conservancy on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the offices of The Natomas Basin Conservancy, 2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento,...

October 2006 Board Meeting – Cancellation

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Conservancy’s Board of Directors for Wednesday, October 4, 2006, has been cancelled. The next regularly-scheduled meeting is Wednesday, November 1, 2006.