The Conservancy added to its inventory of mitigation land by recently acquiring its 14th and 15th preserves. Known as the Alleghany 50 and Cummings preserves, the additional 117 acres brings to 258.2308 the total number of acres acquired near Fisherman’s Lake in the southern portion of the Natomas Basin.
“These acquisitions help preserve some ideal Swainson’s hawk habitat,” noted Anne Rudin, Conservancy President. “When combined with the Conservancy’s two previous acquisitions in the Fisherman’s Lake area, we’ve set aside land that might otherwise be lost to both the Swainson’s hawk and the giant garter snake.”
The location of all the Conservancy’s preserves can be seen on the Current Preserve Map which can be viewed by clicking the same title under “Helpful Documents” in the left-hand column of the Conservancy’s home page.