The Conservancy’s Board of Directors reviewed a draft Site-Specific Management Plan (SSMP) for Conservancy preserves at its June 4, 2003 Board meeting. The SSMP is required under the NBHCP for each of the Conservancy’s mitigation preserves. A voluntary 30-day comment period was provided, with acceptance of the SSMP proposed for the July 2, 2003 Board meeting.
Those wishing to review copies of the draft SSMP may do so by contacting the Conservancy office. A public review copy is available. The extensive document can be purchased from the Conservancy for reproduction costs.
The draft SSMP makes no substantive change from the current approved SSMP. It primarily incorporates recently-acquired land to the SSMP, including the Sills, Ayala, Cummings and Alleghany 50 tracts.
The SSMP lays out in conceptual format restoration and enahncement plans, a management plan and budget for each preserve.