The Conservancy’s Board of Directors approved release of three RFPs for auditing, investment consulting and biological monitoring services. With respect to auditing, the Conservancy is required by the terms of the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan (NBHCP) to conduct an annual audit of financials, and auditing is also required by the California Nonprofit Integrity Act of 2004. Previous audit reports are available in the “Helpful Documents” section of the Conservancy’s web site home page, listed under “Annual Reports.” The Conservancy is also required to maintain certain endowment accounts, and so engages the services of an investment advisor to facilitate that process. Also required is biological monitoring, and the Conservancy has engaged a biological monitoring consultant to conduct biological monitoring each year, and then report on biological effectiveness. RFPs are available by clicking on the items below.
Auditing Services (due September 30, 2010, 4:00 pm) RFP (.pdf, 925.25 Kb)
Biological Effectivenenss Monitoring (due September 29, 2010, 5:00 pm) RFP (.pdf, 4.25 Mb)
Investment Consulting Services RFP (due October 1, 2010, 5:00 pm) (.pdf, 925.15 Kb)