A photo collage of two photos. On the left is a yellow labrador retriever dog laying in the grass looking over its shoulder with a goat in the distance. The picture on the right has two brown and white goats, a kid goat feeding on the nanny goat.

A New Team Member.

Pictured here are two photos, one of a goat about to give birth to a…

An illustration of managed marsh construction plans for the Nestor tract.

Art for Wildlife’s Sake.

Now that the habitat conservation plans (HCPs) are being more actively used by private and…

Two photos of a brown and white speckled Burrowing owl staring at the camera lens combined in a photo collage.

The Hoot of Success

Photos taken by Conservancy staff on Conservancy mitigation land, 2023. The Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia)…

A combine harvester harvesting rice in a field.

That sweet smell.

It’s a great time of the year when rice harvest begins. One of our favorite…

A photo of a Black-shouldered kite perched on a branch with prey in its clutches.

Prey production

The Conservancy has redoubled efforts to use mitigation lands for prey production purposes. A big…

A collage of four photos of button willow plants with insects perched on top of them.

Button, Button, Who Has the Button?

Okay, so some call it button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis). We call it button-willow. It’s a…

A group of White-faced ibis, Aleutian cackling geese, and egrets in a marsh.

It’s a Convention of Like Minds

On the Conservancy’s flagship preserve, Conservancy field staff photographed an interesting assembly of birds. They…

A photo of a Red winged black bird and Tricolored black bird resting on reeds.

Two blackbirds sitting on a…tule.

The report from years ago regarding the state of Tri-colored blackbird (Agelaius tricolor) populations in…

A large Burrowing owl standing on Natomas Basin Conservancy mitigation land.

They’re back!

We are so pleased to see one of the NBHCP’s “Covered Species,” the Burrowing owl…

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