If you look for it, there is color everywhere this time of year. As is abundantly evident from the photos associated with this post, there not only color, but abundant color. This is most appreciated, one has to assume, by the bees and butterflies. At least that is...
Each year at rice harvest time, it never ceases to amaze me just how huge the harvesting equipment is. When standing next to a rice harvester, a human basically looks minuscule in comparison. The ground actually shakes as the equipment lumbers by as it scoops up the...
Sometimes there is no better reason to post on this blog other than having the opportunity to document some very beautiful creatures using the Conservancy’s preserves. Today, Conservancy field crew staff got an excellent photo of a passing white-tailed kite...
In far northern portions of the Natomas Basin, the Conservancy is producing food for humans and at the same time is providing habitat resources for the Giant garter snake. The property shown in the adjacent photo was soil mined for the recent Natomas Levee Improvement...
In continuing efforts to expand public knowledge about the Conservancy and its work, Conservancy staff makes contact with various organizations on a regular basis. Conservancy Executive Director, John Roberts recently appeared before the Board of Directors of the...