The California Rice Commission interviewed the Conservancy’s John Roberts regarding rice production in the Sacramento Valley and the health of various NBHCP-covered aquatic species, including the Giant garter snake. In the interview, Roberts notes that without...
The State of California’s State Water Resources Control Board (“State Water Board”) recently released the attached graphic. It is pretty ominous. Look at the out months (August, September) and what we’re likely to see in terms of water flows...
With another “clean opinion” from its auditors, the Conservancy’s Board of Directors moved to accept the audited financial statements for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2014. The Conservancy’s auditor for the 2014 audit report was...
This extended drought creates so much anxiety. Will we get enough surface water to flood up the managed marsh complexes? If we don’t, can we use the Conservancy’s groundwater wells to generate enough water to do the job? Will the new State groundwater...
In times of drought, it is important to keep in mind where the region’s water is going. I recently saw this pie chart from the California Water Plan (CA Department of Water Resources, 2015) and wondered how many people know about these allocations and uses....