Sacramento Mayor Pro Tem Angelique Ashby, who represents the North Natomas area, was recently interviewed by the press and media while on the scene of a large grass fire in North Natomas. She drew attention to a nearby Natomas Basin Conservancy preserve, saying it...
A recent publication titled, “Defining population structure and genetic signatures of decline in the giant garter snake (Thamnophis gigas): implications for conserving threatened species within highly altered landscapes,” breaks some new ground on Giant garter...
The Conservancy is required to cooperate with scientists in exploring new and better ways to sustain the NBHCP operating Conservation Plan. Here, we can see an experiment being conducted by the rice science community to promote the sustainability of rice agriculture...
Each year, the Conservancy must file an Implementation Annual Report with the state and federal Wildlife Agencies as well as to all “parties” to the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan (NBHCP). The Metro Air Park Habitat Conservation Plan is also included...
The photo here shows onions that have matured on Conservancy property. Normally onions don’t provide the best of habitat for the NBHCP’s Covered Species. However, this onion crop is planted on a field normally used to grow alfalfa. Alfalfa is the premier...