(May 7, 2018) When we’re asked what the Giant garter snakes eat, we always respond by saying mosquito fish and tadpoles and similar small aquatic organisms. And, after nearly two decades of observing the Giant garter snake on Conservancy preserves, we can attest to...
Each year, the Conservancy must file an Implementation Annual Report with the state and federal Wildlife Agencies as well as to all “parties” to the Natomas Basin Habitat Conservation Plan (NBHCP). The Metro Air Park Habitat Conservation Plan is also included in the...
(April 23, 2018) The results for the 2017 Biological Effectiveness Monitoring Program on Conservancy preserves are in. Here, a focus on the Swainson’s hawk. In 2016, there were 43 successful nests and 63 fledged. In 2017, there were 49 successful nests, and 68...
(March 28, 2018) Giant garters snake experts talk about the snake being “cryptic.” I looked up the word cryptic in the dictionary and the definition I found was: “mysterious and obscure.” I have also heard the experts talk about the snake being “shy.” Whatever...
(March 23, 2018) The attached photo was taken on March 23, 2018. It is the first Giant garter snake sighting Conservancy field crews have seen this year. Of course, it helps that sunshine was prevalent and in the previous number of weeks, it has been cold and/or...