Only for geeks

In the BKS South Channel maintenance project, we have a quick and extremely infrequent opportunity to see the subsoils on the preserve. We’re cleaning out the channel to insure that the marsh complex keeps its full functionality for use by the NBHCP’s …

He knows how to run a meeting…

Councilmember Ray Tretheway of the City of Sacramento’s District #1 held a public meeting recently at the Natomas Community Center. N Magazine’s Karen Wilson was there as a co-sponsor, and the room was standing room only, with everyone there wanting in …

Took out four 90-degree turns

Add it up. There were four 90-degree turns on a water delivery pipe onto a Conservancy preserve. Four 90-degree turns. Sounds like a full circle, huh? Rube Goldberg calling? Actually, there were ups, downs and laterals. Four of them. It is one of those …

Mother Nature throws curve balls too

On Wednesday, I was on the Conservancy’s Kismat tract with several others, and we were shocked at what we saw. No one could believe it. We saw what we believed to be a large, female giant garter snake. In winter! On a cloudy, chilly day! Speculation is …

Gives me the creeps

On the Conservancy’s Silva tract preserve, there exists a large concrete slab that served as part of a feeder trough for a now-defunct dairy operation. While burrowing owls come and go, they were often seen spending the season peeping out from undernea …

Native grass update

It was great to get a field tour of some riparian native grass planting ideas from the master, John Anderson at Hedgerow Farms. This afternoon, John was kind enough to give us some recommendations as to what types of grasses and forbs should be planted …