Pretty as a button

These button-willows (also called Buttonbush, Honey-bells) have a scientific name of Cephalanthus occidentalis. But my it is pretty (see the photo I took this weekend at the Conservancy’s Silva tract). At first, I thought they might be just another dec …


The Conservancy’s preserves have now been infested by smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus). This is going to be very difficult to get rid of, and maybe impossible. According to Cal-IPS News (Winter 2010), one smutgrass plant can produce 45,000 seeds per year …

Field trip

In cooperation with the Friends of the Swainson’s Hawk and Sacramento chapter of the Audubon Society, the Conservancy hosted an on-site visit and tour with 47 wildlife lovers recently. The group, under the direction of Frank Gray, toured the Conservanc …

Blue eggs but no ham

The blue eggs shown in the photo here are those of a white-faced ibis (Plegadis chihi), one of the Conservancy’s “Covered Species” as defined by the NBHCP. The eggs rest about eight inches above the water on one of the Conservancy’s marsh complexes. Th …


Sometimes the strangest things happen on Conservancy preserves. Recently, I saw this brightly colored bird (see photo). I was pretty sure it was someone’s loose parakeet. The bright colors really stood out. Conservancy Board member Mike Bradbury offici …

Looking for Hogwarts

In an abandoned barn on one of the Conservancy’s preserves, I am usually scared out of my wits when this barn owl flies passed me and heads for a gap in the door. Over the weekend, I went into the barn to inspect for any storm damage and the barn owl j …