
The theory behind the Conservancy’s efforts is essentially to provide sanctuary to the NBHCP’s “covered species.” That is, after being displaced by urbanization, these plants and wildlife have a protected place to live and grow. My worst days are when …

It really, really works.

These are my favorite emails, this one from Dominic Bruno, who is the land management supervisor on Conservancy marsh complexes: John, On Thursday April 7, 2005 while mowing weeds at Cummings three Swainson’s hawks foraged over the area from 12:30 to a …

Burn Out

The well at Lucich North fried itself. After asking our field services people to freshen up the marshes at Lucich North, I was aware we didn’t have surface water available, since the Natomas Water Company has shut down water service for the winter. I k …

Cummings Flood-up, GGS and Burrowing Owls

This morning, we began the flood-up of the Cummings tract. It is a beautiful site. Today marks the final day of actual dirt moving on the site, as crews are embellishing and enhancing the steep-sloped banks adjacent to water. This enhancement is for GG …

Wildlife Activity on New Preserve

I learn yesterday that a Peregrine falcon “took” a teal on the Conservancy’s Frazer tract in the North Basin Reserve Area. Also, even this late in the season, our biologists informed us that they captured a large female giant garter snake on the Lucich …