(April 30, 2019) The photo that accompanies this story was taken the day the movie “Avengers: End Game” was released. The movie set a record for ticket sales: $1 billion, just for the opening weekend. One of the stars of the movie, Rocket Raccoon, was …
In suspension
(April 26, 2019) Giant garter snakes are known to be elusive. They never “pose” for a photo. They are “escape artists,” especially when approached. The photos we most often see of them are taken as they are swimming away in a marsh or wetland, quickly …
The plan comes together!
(April 18, 2019) Discovery of the year: Swainson’s hawk nest found in a Conservancy-planted tree complex! In 2003, the Conservancy planted 30 cottonwood trees on one of its interior Natomas Basin preserves, hoping that at least 15 would survive and end …
The Governah says so
(May 21, 2018) Cal-IPC’s Spring 2018 magazine (“Dispatch”) revealed a list from the Western Governor’s Association that caught our eye. Listed as the number one worst invasive species by the Western Governor’s Association in the category of aquatics is …
Creepy eyes
(May 18, 2018) Sometimes we get questions about the strange appearance of the eyes of some of the Giant garter snakes we feature in Conservancy media. Some say it looks like something out of a horror film (AKA “scary movie”). It normally looks like a f …
Big gulp
(May 7, 2018) When we’re asked what the Giant garter snakes eat, we always respond by saying mosquito fish and tadpoles and similar small aquatic organisms. And, after nearly two decades of observing the Giant garter snake on Conservancy preserves, we …